Take a breath.
you are seen,
you are heard,
you are understood.

Change starts here; begin your healing journey now!

Psychotherapy services in English and Spanish for Virginia and Washington D.C. residents via telehealth

Hi there! Welcome, my name is Gisell.

I’ll be your guide and support as you navigate your healing journey of self discovery.

Do any of these sound familiar?
woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains
woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains
  • It is difficult to get through your day, it’s either too slow or just irritating.

  • You don't feel like yourself and are unsure of how to break the cycle.

  • Things from the past continue to ruminate and take space in your mind.

  • You no longer enjoy the things you used to.

Don't worry

Change is possible and you don’t have to go through this alone.
Schedule your 15 minute consultation to get started

My Specialties

Your thoughts can be racing and it may seem like you are being flooded with a wide range of emotions. It is exhausting and can tint all aspects of your life. You may feel like walls around you are closing in; as if you were trapped.

Life Transitions

Changes can be unsettling, whether they are part of a natural process or an abrupt one. You may feel at a loss on how to find balance again or even inadequate to fulfill the responsibilities of your new role.


Previous and/or current traumatic experiences can weigh heavy and take you away from enjoying or living a fulfilled present life.

Change happens from the inside out, and there is no catalyst like feeling heard and understood.